Webcams at Gausta

Our webcams show live images from several places on Gausta, including Gausta Skisenter, Gaustablikk Fjellresort and Gaustatoppen

Live webcam

Snapshots (updated every 5 minute)

Koffertlokket towards Gaustatoppen/RjukanKoffertlokket towards Gaustatoppen/Rjukan
Gaustablikk Fjellresort towards GaustatoppenGaustablikk Fjellresort towards Gaustatoppen
Gaustablikk Fjellresort towards ToreskyrkjaGaustablikk Fjellresort towards Toreskyrkja
Fjellheisen towards VestfjorddalenFjellheisen towards Vestfjorddalen
Koffertlokket towards GaustatoppenKoffertlokket towards Gaustatoppen
Webcam at Gaustatoppen

Webcam at Gaustatoppen

Watch the webcam live from the top or a timelapse from the desired date.

See webcams from Gaustatoppen

Daily reports

Daily reports

For current information on weather and conditions, see the "Daily reports" (updated daily during high season).

To Daily reports

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