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Dog sledding
Dog sledding
60 min dog sledding experience with start and finish close to the hotel.
See time table in the description below for dates available.
<div><p data-start="0" data-end="291">Experience dog sledding in the stunning nature around Gausta. The entire experience lasts 60 minutes, with the sled ride itself covering 3&ndash;4 km and taking approximately 20 minutes. After the ride, hot cocoa is served in our lavvo, and you will have the opportunity to get to know the dogs.</p>
<p data-start="0" data-end="291">&nbsp;</p>
<p data-start="293" data-end="332">Maximum number of people: 7 per hour.</p>
<p data-start="293" data-end="332">&nbsp;</p>
<p data-start="334" data-end="362"><strong data-start="334" data-end="360">Season 24/25 ...
<h3 class="text-base font-bold">General Order Terms and Conditions</h3><p class="text-sm"><div><div id="factTextBoxSection-258" class="relative pt-14 sm:pt-20 2xl:pt-24 pb-14 sm:pb-20 2xl:pb-24 mx-0 my-0" style="background-color: #ffffff;">
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